The lightest kayak in the World made with HexaBond by Graphenest & Sipre
Graphenest announces the lightest kayak in the World
The lightest* surfski kayak in the World with 5.75 m that weighs just 9.3 kg was achieved by a joint ventures between Graphenest and Sipre.
Today, Graphenest is proud to announce the lightest* surfski kayak in the World weighing just 9.3 kg with all the accessories, born from a joint ventures between Graphenest and Sipre, a Portuguese kayak manufacturer famed for their flatwater, ocean and open water kayaks.
This lightweight surfski kayak was first revealed during Graphenest’s pitch on Techstars Autonomous Technology Acceleration Demo Day event on the 20th of April at Boston, which was attended by 500 people including US Air Force and US Business Angels.
This engineering accomplishment was enabled by substituting the ordinarily used epoxy resin by Graphenest’s HexaBond epoxy resin system for fiber reinforced composites. HexaBond can be applied in any fiber reinforced composites to improve mechanical strength, durability and chemical resistance. Hexabond is able to increase the strength of carbon fiber composites up to 24%, while simultaneously reducing weight by 10%.
HexaBond targets a $7 billion market as an epoxy resin for automotive and high-performance sporting goods. Further achievements and news will be unfolded in the near future.
* To the best of our knowledge

Fotos: by Graphenest
Story Source:
May 07th, 2018, Written by Rui Silva from Graphenest